Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Yesterday was a blue day. Not that there is anything so terribly bad or difficult going on in my, or  our lives. There is the inevitable spiritual warfare that accompanies all christians that are moving forward for the King and the Kingdom. Attempts to distract, discourage and divert. I fell prey to one.   I carried around a nagging sad feeling that I could not exactly find reason for.  But after a conversation with a special friend from Monterey, I did some mental and spiritual processing;  It is about separation, about not being available to family and having them easily accessible to us.
We received an adorable home made Valentines Day card from Ada, Nica and Evelyn and a thought of horror came to me. I was so involved in moving that I had forgotten to send a card to our grandbabies!  My thoughts continued to digress. Many birthdays and holidays will be without them . . . they won't come to expect  that this Gran and Gram  should just "be there".  
Our daughters 3 are going through  their own unique challenges and victories . . . all without us.   Our youngest, Stefani, is taking on the challenges of adulthood. Her sister Cara and husband Rob have assumed a very special role in her life as they encourage her through this transition.
All without us.  Christa and her husband Daniel are at school in Nashville, making friends we will never meet, experiencing things we will never share.  Our parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, the same.
In honesty, I don't believe it is a time of self pity as much as it  of acknowledgement that life is different from here on out.  Feelings are God given and He allows us to express and experience them as they come.  My days are filled with beauty and wonder, and I have such a grateful heart that God continues to give us life and breath to serve Him.  He daily satisfies us with good things and all of our needs are supplied.  Steve and I still love to spend time together and exploring this new city with my best friend is something I am so enjoying.  
God's Word daily brings me comfort and today  I am reminded  of a conversation that Peter and Jesus had. " Peter said, 'See, we have left our homes and followed you.' Jesus said in return, "Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not receive many times more in this time, and in the age to come eternal life."  What an amazing promise!  Every sacrifice that we make and that our family makes for us to be separated, God promises to not just replace, but give MANY TIMES MORE!  I do know that when we moved our family to Argentina 20 some years ago, leaving so much, and so many behind,  God did bless us in ways that can not be completely qualified.  That experience changed us as a family and I know has left an indelible mark on our children. Their bicultural, bilingual abilities have made them better ministers and better mates; and for Sean, a better parent.  
I have always dreamed of being surrounded by ALL my family, living and ministering together.
But it would appear that the Lord is saving that "communal living" for our future and forever home, Heaven. 
Today I have exchanged my "blues" for peace and joy. My mind is wrapping around the  thought of how much God loves and guides and protects my children, their spouses, our grandchildren, parents and my brothers and their families.  I am strengthened and encouraged by my Fathers words of hope and promise that no sacrifice for His work will go unnoticed or unrewarded. God is good!  ALL the time!

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