Thursday, March 12, 2009

Manageable Maintenance

One of the wonderful things about life here in Miami is that life is streamlined, simplified.  I have gone from a 3,000 sq. ft. house with a pool, a large garden, front and back, an apartment down below and 5, count them, 5 bathrooms.  We now have  a one bedroom apartment with a balcony.  That's it. You can not believe the freedom in my mind and in my day with this change.  Having the large home and extra space was great with lots of family around.  But with just us and the puppies, and all the traveling that we will be doing, this is a perfect fit for our life right now.  Before we left Monterey, my friend Nancy came by with a "pre-house warming gift". This was just a pot and a bulb a few months ago.  4 weeks ago, on the day that we move into our apt. I planted this bulb and look at it now!  This is pretty much the extent of my garden . . . with the exception of a couple more plants on the balcony and some indoors.  Manageable maintenance is a good thing!

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