Friday, March 20, 2009


The last two days have been dominated by two events . . . a leadership retreat where the 4 managers and Steve sat around our kitchen table from 8:30 am to 5 pm, praying, strategizing, problem solving, dreaming. I prepared them breakfast and lunch then excused myself to the bedroom or balcony to read, write and pray. 
 And the second event is the rain.  It seems that in many of the states in the US, we have either entirely too much or too little rain right now.  Miami is very low in rainfall for the year.  So for that reason and just because it is such a welcome change in the skyline, I am glad to see it here.  The clouds are  amazingly beautiful and I just love watching them change shape as they move through the sky.  I awoke two nights ago to the sound of rain so loud that it startled me.  We keep our arcadia doors open day and night, allowing the sounds of the city and the ocean to always be with us.  The rain was so heavy and the change of sounds so extreme, it awoke me.  So at 3 am I found myself sitting on the balcony taking it all in. This is a view from the balcony this morning as the rain has subsided but the clouds remain.  Beautiful, isn't it? 

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