Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 1 in Costa Rica

It is 11:45 pm Miami time, 2 hours earlier here in San Jose, Costa Rica. Steve and I are settled into the house that we will be staying in during our 2 week duration. Steve is asleep in the bedroom and as per usual, I am wide awake although exhausted. So I thought I would take advantage of the moment and catch you up on our days events.
We spent the morning packing, cleaning to leave the house ready for Shirley, the dog sitter, running to the bank, the LAM office, and finally the airport. Our plane was to leave at 12, but didn't get off until 1:30. It is always a little bit more challenging when you are flying international as you go through customs going in and coming out. But all went smoothly and we were met in the Costa Rica airport by Matt and Lisa Befus, missionaries for 10 years here at the school, Palabra de Vida. Matt's father founded the school about 20 years ago and even built the house that he and Lisa now live with their beautiful 4 daughters. We had a wonderful visit with the Director of the school where Steve was able to ask many questions and also to let her know what a privilege it is to be able to support and work along side such a strategic ministry. We ended our time together in sweet prayer and then Matt gave Steve the tour of the 8 acre grounds. We forgot to take pictures! But tomorrow we will keep our phone camera close at hand, and get some pictures to put on the blog.
I took a 20 minute power nap on their living room couch and then we were able to meet their girls and visit with the whole family around the table as Lisa had prepared a delicious dinner for us.
Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas, Cuban Beans, Brown Rice, Jello, and a pineapple upside down cake for dessert. We hadn't eaten for about 10 hours, so it tasted especially good!
We then loaded into their van for a scary ride across town . . . the roads are narrow, and filled with pot holes, the traffic was horrendous, but Lisa informed us that it was better than usual!
Ugh! It took about 45 minutes to get us to the house we are now. It is owned by LAM and is used to house short term missionaries and groups that come through from time to time. It is in a "questionable" neighborhood, but once you get past the iron bars, it is, well . . . . like a big dorm house. Downstairs a group of young people were having a meeting, we are upstairs where there are 4 bedrooms with bunks, a small, barely adequate kitchen and a sparsly decorated living room, with a laundry room off to the side. because electricity is so costly, it cost 6 dollars to do a load of laundry. I think Steve was a little disappointed, but he had been warned that it was nothing fancy. Evidently, the former presidents had opted to stay in hotels, but Steve wanted to make a "statement", so here we are. Tomorrow morning all the LAM missionaries in Costa Rica will gather for brunch and Steve will give a presentation with a Q and A afterwards.
So far, the Costa Rica we have seen is very much like parts of Mexico but more green. I have heard there are beautiful parts to this country and I hope we get to see some of them.
We were very impressed with the school and what they are doing. The Befus's are amazing people and cream of the crop missionaries. I really am looking forward to meeting everyone tomorrow. Well, I will try to catch some shut eye. Good night!

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