Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Prayer and Unity

This morning I braved the confusing (to me!) Miami freeways to attend a Prayer Initiative for para church organizations in the area.  There were  7 organizations represented; Florida Baptist Children's Home, an independent living program for those who turn 18, Mission Miami, networking churches an business people, Heartbeat of Miami, (rent office space from LAM) alternatives to abortion clinic, Lifework Leadership, provides training and accountability for christian leadership in the community, Youth For Christ, leading to the Lord and mentoring young people in their neighborhoods, Latin Impact Ministries, working with Latin residents in US as well as frontier work in Latin America, and of course Latin America Missions. We meet together solely to pray.  The christian community in Miami is small and for some years has been working autonomously.  The strong leadership of the passed has died or moved away.  This is a baby effort to draw together the leadership for the purpose of personal and ministry encouragement, broadening and strengthening the christian leadership base.  It was good to get together with other men and women who have a love for the Lord and expanding His Kingdom.  I look forward to these monthly meetings. 
I just learned last night that Steve will be going to Honduras next week, arriving home just in time to turn around and both of us head to Costa Rica.  We have 3 missionary families there and as it turns out, it is less expensive to fly back to Miami than to go from Costa Rica to Honduras.  This is all part of Steve's strategy to meet every missionary family this year and see them in their ministry.  I am told our itinerary is filled from morning till night. . . We both are looking forward to getting to know the families and learning about the different ministries.  I know it will be tiring but what a great way to expend  energy! 
Our Latin ministry co-ordinator, Miguel Angel Demarco, just returned from a week in Cuba where he took a week of vacation to come along side another ministry and assist.  When Steve met with him yesterday Miguel informed him that upon leaving the country they had detained him for an afternoon, confiscating his computer, iphone, and camera.  They "accused" him of doing something other than business and for that punished him with the removal of all his technical equipment.  The ministry that was accomplished during his week there was phenomenal . . . just a reminder of the battle that is fought on a daily basis.  
Please keep El Salvador in your prayers as the change of government has gone the way of Venezuela making ministry in those countries even more challenging.

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