Thursday, October 15, 2009


I am sitting in an Internet Cafe in Bethel, Maine. Steve and I took some time out of our hectic schedule to enjoy some very quiet, relaxing time in the cabin of some new friends. It was built in 1912; with one addition, it is relatively similar to the way it was when originally built. Although the temperature has not exceeded 41 degrees, we have used only the wood stove in the kitchen and the fireplace in the family room for heating. The house temp stays around 59 degrees in the most used areas of the house and we have become surprising accustomed to this. It really even feels warm to us . . . of course when it is 30 something degrees outside, that is not so surprising. There is no television (yeah!) and I am now on my 3rd book. Sitting around the fireplace at night, listening to Andre Bocceli, and reading our books , has been such a wonderful and re-invigerating experience. I think I just might call a television fast when we return to Miami! Of course, sitting around the fire in October in Miami is not exactly reasonable . . . When we left a week and a half ago, there were record setting temperatures. I think it was 93 degrees at the highest. That might have something to do with the cold I have right now!
Anyway, we have had a wonderful time in Massachusetts and now Maine. We stayed a few days in the home of Gene and Pat, some new friends, and Pat showed me some lovely areas of the countryside. Above is a picture of a general store that we visited as well as the quaint town of Concord.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Anti-Self Realization

This is a quote from Oswald Chambers that I read today and it had even greater impact on me as we are presently in Mexico City, visiting and getting to know our missionaries and their ministries.  We have seen such a testimony of self sacrifice among our people.  Hence the deeper impact of these words.
"Our Lord's teaching was always ANTI-SELF REALIZATION.  His purpose is not the development of a person - His purpose is to make a person exactly like Himself, and the Son of God is characterized by SELF-EXPENDITURE. If we believe in Jesus, it is not what we gain but what He pours through us that really counts.  God's purpose is not simply to make us beautiful, plump grapes, but to make us grapes that HE MAY SQUEEZE THE SWEETNESS OUT OF US.
Our spiritual life cannot be measured by success as the wold measures it, but only by what God pours through us.  AND WE CANNOT MEASURE THAT AT ALL."

We have witnessed in the week that we have been here, ministries perpetuated not by finances but by passion; a family with 2 children giving up a home with space to move and a  back yard, to minister to people in a community that has no evangelical church yet, where the homes are about 800 to 1000 square feet, sharing common walls, and no  yard.  The homes are soon tattooed with graffiti and just going to a neighborhood market is a risky adventure. We have witnessed a widow of 84, who has dedicated her life to seeing the people of Mexico deepen their walk with the Lord.  She writes and publishes books, teaches classes to young and old alike, pastors and laypeople, as though she were a professor in his or  her 30's.  She walks up 2 sets of steep stairs to her apt. and her office.  When you remind her that she is only 6 years from being 90, she just puffs and says, "Well, I used to do everything much faster".  
We have witnessed a couple with 3 children that gave up a business in Chicago and live in an unbearably dirty neighborhood, where the husband takes a bus 2 hours each way, 5 days a week, to go to language school.  Within the first 3 weeks of their arrival to the country, he was held up at gunpoint and robbed on the very bus he takes to school each day.  With a gun pointed to his head and the knowledge that he very possibly could be murdered, he said God flooded his spirit with such a peace and he realized that he was ready to die if necessary.  

This is only a sampling of what we have witnessed this week.  It begs the question, 
Am I prepared to pour out my life for Him?  Personally I can say that the desire to do so is even greater today that it was a week ago.      

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A True American Hero

While walking the dogs this afternoon I walked passed an elderly gentleman wearing a cap that represented an arm of the Military Service.  He said something to me in spanish and I stopped to hear what he said. A short but sweet conversation ensued.  I asked him if he had served in the military and he told me that he was born in Cuba and when he was just 21 he saw a sign about serving your country . . . . so he immigrated to the U.S. and joined the Air Force!  He became a pilot and  expressed how grateful he was that he never had to kill anyone.  He served for many years until he said laughingly, " they asked how long I was going to be staying".  He was an amiable man, and very gracious.  I had the opportunity to say thank you for serving our country.
He smiled and we parted ways as I returned to my home and he, his.
On June 28, 2009, Marine Col. Kenneth L. Reusser passed away at the age of 89. 
Col. Reusser flew 253 combat missions in WWII, the Korean AND the  Vietnam War. He was shot down in all 3 wars - 5 times in all.  He earned 2 Navy Crosses, 4 Purple Hearts, 2 Legions of merit, among his 59 medals.
"In 1945, while based in Okinowa, he stripped down his F4U-4 Cosair fighter and intercepted a Japanese observation plane at an altitude much higher than usual. When his guns froze, he flew his fighter into the observation plane, HACKING OFF IT'S TAIL WITH HIS PROPELLER.

In 1950, while serving in the storied "Black Sheep Squadron", he led an attack on a North Korean tank-repair facility at Inchon, then destroyed an oil tanker - almost blowing himself out of the sky in the process.

During the Vietnam War, Reusser flew helicopters. he was leading a Marine Air Group in a rescue mission when his own "Huey" was shot down.  He needed skin grafts over 35% of his badly burned body.

Reusser was born January 27, 1920, the son of a minister.  While still a teenager, he became a committed Christian, which remained a big part of his life.

Reusser lived a "Tom Sawyer-ish" existence, jumping off a barn roof to test a parachute, racing motorcycles to help pay for college, and earning a pilots license before WW II broke out. 

Kenneth Reusser was called the most decorated Marine aviator in history.

If you are like me, it is difficult to see "The Greatest Generation" passing away.  Their training and proving ground was WW II, and so many of them rose to the occasion becoming the hero's of their generation.  Sadly, the "hero's" of today have become the Michael Jackson's and Michael Jordon's.  Men of unsurpassed talent, but could they hold a candle to the bravery and integrity of one such Col. Reusser? I dare say, not.

Monday, June 22, 2009


We celebrated the first day of Summer in Key Biscayne, with 15 of our new Orientee's.  We are in the midst of one of two yearly  2 week Orientations, this being our first with Steve in his new position.  We are so impressed with our new missionaries.  What a privilege to get to know and work for such amazing people.  Key Biscayne is the place that we held our weekend retreat, which was at a small, but comfortable motel near the beach.  There was a playground and pool for the children and we were steps away from the ocean. There was area there where hundreds of Iguanas reside.  How strange to have them just feet away from us! 
Despite the heat, we performed several team building activities outside.  Yesterday afternoon was "free time", so Steve and I came home and after a stop at Costco,  I cooked him a steak and myself some salmon and we relaxed in our chairs and napped and watched golf.  The highlight of our day was skyping our children and grandchildren who were at Mom and Dad's house for a pajama breakfast to celebrate Father's Day.  Oh, how we would love to be with everyone on days such as this!  But, alas, we are here and family is there. 
The news is informing us that we are breaking records with heat.  All I know is that upon rising in the morning, the windows are steamed up and when I open the the door to the balcony, the air is so heavy that at times it is difficult to even breathe.  I walk the dogs early, usually about 6:30 am, and take them out quickly for the afternoon.  Evening walks are a little more comfortable the later we go.  Last night I took them out at about 9:30 pm, and then went for a swim in the pool.  You can not believe how warm the ocean and pool waters are.  Of course I am used to warm pool water having living in Arizona, but I am always stunned at the temperature of the ocean when I dip my feet in.  The sand bars go out for quite a ways, so to swim in the ocean is more than possible and enjoyable.  Sometimes the water is as smooth as glass.   Not good for surfing, not that I am a surfer, but great for just swimming and being in the water. This really is a beautiful place to live.  
Stefani came in last week for several days, but it was anything but a fun visit.  We spent the entire time in doctors offices getting her tested for fainting episodes that she has been having over the last few months.  Fortunately the tests have shown her to be healthy, although a Mitro Valve Prolapse showed up.  But that is not the reason for her episodes and there is nothing to be done for MVP.  She wasn't very thrilled with Miami, but then she didn't see much of it either.  Must be strange to visit your parents, and not "go home", but visit them in a totally new environment. I am sure that added to her desire to get back to Phoenix as soon as possible!

So, Summer is here . . . . I am making the effort to see the beauty and the good in all that is around me.  God is teaching me how to be content in all circumstances, in plenty and in want!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Unexpected Reunions

Last night was a step back in time for Steve and I . . . . Steve is on a killer traveling schedule this summer trying to fit in visiting many of our missionaries and get to know their ministries, as well as initiating new vision and ministry.  I picked him up from the airport at 7 pm, as he was returning from a short trip to Costa Rica. Despite the lateness of the hour and being tired from his cross country trip, we rushed across town  and met in a prearranged REUNION  dinner for 8 with couples from Argentina, some of which  we had not seen in 18 years.  One of the couples, Jorge and Susanna Ibbarbalz, were part of the group of families that we vacationed with  for a month at the beach in Miramar. Part of the Argentine culture is that during the summer every family takes a month off either in January or February, going to a coastal city in the country or for some, traveling to Brazil or Spain.  Our family has some of the most amazing memories of this time as more than a half dozen families, for three or four consecutive years, would travel to Miramar, spend our days basking on the beach and our nights cooking asado's together, or eating at neighborhood restaurants .  All of our children ranged in age from babies to teenagers and the kids would hang out together sometimes according to age groups, or sometimes in a roving "pack". We played "paddle" (a cross between tennis and handball)  on courts just off the water, sat for hours talking on the beach or sipping mate in each others rented summer homes. Susanna reminded us of one of those summers, when the men decided to prepare a Valentine Day dinner for the women. (Remember, summers are during our winters here in the States!) So the men planned and put together a romantic and surprisingly delicious dinner. There was watermelon salad cut into the shape of hearts, Chicken Cordon Bleu, garlic mashed potatoes; beautifully decorated tables with  candles and  flowers. Steve obviously had a strong influence since that is not very Argentine in either menu or culture! But the women loved the attention and effort and the men thoroughly enjoyed the process and response. And 18 years later we are still talking about it! 
The week previous, Steve and I were in Arizona.
Steve went for ministry purposes, but while there so close to family and friends, he was able to fit in some quality time with both.  One of the highlights of that week was a REUNION with 3 of the kids that he ministered to as a Youth Pastor 30 years ago.  While they are now in their 40's, married with teenage children of their own, they took a morning and went to the lake to ski.  They reminisced about those 2 short, yet fun packed years together.  Much to Steve's surprise, one of them brought up how Steve had attended his basketball games and even once or twice, stayed late to a game and then accompany him up to camp, arriving late in the evening.  He commented to Steve how that had meant so much to him.  Steve didn't even remember doing it!  They talked about how fun and full those years were and how they were some of the best years of their life.  
 I went to Arizona to  support my Mom as her sweet sister, Katy was passing away.  It was a heart wrenching week as Mom, and Melody and Kelby, David and Debbie and their children, waited and prepared for her passing.  Before I arrived, Aunt Helen and Rebecca were there to say their goodbye's.  But while the time passed slowly as Katy was unconscious and labored in her breathing, the family would sit around her bedside, talking, praying, singing hymns, crying, and yes, at times even laughing as we reminisced about our life with Aunt Katy and Uncle Leon and each other.  Many times someone would talk about the REUNION in heaven that Katy and Leon would have and that Katy would have with her Jesus.  It brought comfort to all of us to visualize that, seeing her, seeing them, young, strong, healthy and in each others arms once again.  There was also a REUNION among ourselves as we have such busy lives and rarely get to see each other.  It was good to be reminded of our love for each other despite the little time that we actually spend together.  
I am so grateful for the UNEXPECTED REUNIONS that God has brought our way as of late.  Some were bittersweet, accompanied by tears while others were filled with laughter. But they were all based in RELATIONSHIP that absence and years could not deplete. Among all the feelings that I have experienced over the last couple of weeks, gratefulness to God for my family and friends is at the top. 

Monday, April 27, 2009

In The Garden

Today is my recuperation from passing through several time zones, as I flew home from Arizona yesterday.  I spent 3 wonderful days with family, filling every nook and cranny of time with different people that I love.  It is equally filling and draining, but I am so grateful to have the gift of travel, both in time and airline privileges. Thank you sweet husband for sharing me  and brother Gordon for providing the means!  
Every April we celebrate birthdays for my Dad (21st), myself (22nd), and Mom and Steve (23rd).
Although Steve needed to stay in Miami to prepare for the upcoming Board Meeting, on Mom's Bday we had a garden party and Gordon made us Salmon Taco's that were out of this world delicious.
We skyped Christa and Daniel as well as Steve . . . .  two computers going at the same time!  It was crazy hectic but so much fun to have them participate if even from a distance.  
On one of my evenings I was able to accompany Stefani and Mowee (real name Benito), her boyfriend, as they drove me up to South Mountain and we overlooked the lights of the city. It is such a beautiful spot and hard to believe that in all the years that I lived in Arizona, I never remember going there.  We took a short hike to a craggy rock and just sat and looked out over the sparkling lights of the city for a few quiet moments.  Very nice.
Gordon, Stefani and I ate at one of our favorite "must visits" whenever I am in town, Postino's and Stef and I even got to P.F. Chang's for lunch one day.  A flurry of shopping at known clothing stores, and before I knew it, I was on the plane headed home.  
I am posting a picture I took of The Garden in full bloom . . . . Only once have I seen every rose bush so full of blooms.  It was beautiful!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Every so often a person, a book an event comes into your life and has monumental impact.  Probably 15 years ago, or so, I heard the name Mark and Jeannie Labberton from my brother Phil and his wife Cindi.  They met and became good friends in England while Phil and Mark were working on their doctorates at Cambridge.  We never had the good fortune to meet Mark and Jeannie, but providence would have it that we have encountered Mark through his new book, "The Dangerous Act of Worship".  I have been "absorbing" the content of this book a chapter at a time over the last 2 months.  I normally consume a book in a matter of hours, and when in stride, a book every week or two.  But with the move and all the changes and traveling going on in my life at the moment, that pace has slowed.  But Mark's book could not have come at a better time.  This is not a book for a quick read as it is full of  deep and thoughtful truths.  I thought I would give you an exerpt from this book so as to possibly wet your appetite for more.  This comes from the chapter "When Worship Talks To Power".

"The realignment of power is fundamental to the cause of justice because much of the twisted soul of injustice is the abuse of power.  Whether the injustice is poverty, bonded slavery, land grabbing, forced prostitution, hunger, rape, or racism, we find the abuse of power.  Likewise, an abuse of power is at play even in more mundane examples of injustice; gossip, manipulation, coersion, lying, deception, or libel.  At the core of it all lies an abuse of power.  Nothing thwarts God's purposes more than twisted power; nothing renews God's purposes more than redeeming power.

Christian worship (and prayer) can and should be one of the most profound and relevant responses to power abuse in the world.  In worship (and prayer) we cast our lives upon the faithful and just power of God.  When we do so, we appose all acts of unjust power.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is about God's remarkable initiative and grace marshaled to realign power."

"I am stunned when I hear statistics like these:  that more than 25 million people around the world today live in slavery; that 40 percent of the world's population lacks basic sanitation facilities and over one billion use unsafe water; that in the least developed countries over 50 percent of the population is not expected to live to the age of sixty, compared to just over 10 percent in the most developed countries; that the per capita spending on police in India is about twenty-five cents per person per year, whereas in the Unites States it is over $250 per person per year.  And India is better off than countries where no police force even exists, such as Liberia and Chad.  In other countries the local police would be the last place to go for help in the face of injustice, because of graft and corruption.  We assume that the basic protection of law enforcement most in the United States enjoy is more or less present in other parts of the world, but it is not.  Many people in other countries, especially the poor, are exposed to whims of power abuse, and the police are but one example."

It is so easy to find our comfortable place in life, inoculated from the pain and injustices of others with whom we share this planet.  Stepping out of church ministry in a beautiful place to live, I am beginning to reawaken to the real reason that we were called to ministry . . . no, make that the christian life!  It is not just for those called to 'professional' ministry.  It is for all of us that call ourselves Christ followers.  The only true change of injustice is the realignment of power under the grace filled love of the One who alone holds all power.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Birthday Week

Time marches on . . . . This week I turn  54.  What can I say about that ?   Since the joy of turning 18,with all my life ahead of me, and the trauma I experienced, albeit self induced, when I turned 25 and my life assessment disheartened me; married 7 years, 2 children, one of them strong willed and hyperactive, a tough ministry and needed growth in our marriage and spiritual life, all while many of my friends were not carrying the weight of such heavy life experiences and seemingly having "fun". 
I must say with all sincerity that my 50's, so far, have been the best years of my life.  Not that the previous years were  not wonderful in their own right. But I have ceased striving to 'find myself' years ago, and am enjoying the person God made me to be.  I have also ceased trying to make my husband the man I think he should be and and thoroughly enjoying what God has created in him using all the pain, struggle, and unique experiences that we have walked through. Steve is a compassionate, sensitive, loyal husband who has learned how to encourage and protect me.  He seeks the Lord for the wisdom and courage to be the husband, father, and minister that he has been called to be.  Our children are amazing people, each one in their own right.  I am blessed.
Some how the same things that would have sent me into a spiraling depression or an anxiety charged fit, are managed (most of the time) with prayer and an acknowledgement that God is sovereign and has control of our situation and that of our children.  I am not a victim in life's difficult situations, rather a loved child of my Heavenly Father.  
Now, I am watching my children go through many of the same experiences and feelings that Steve and I went through.  Giving them to the Lord, daily, I can be at peace and live and love, enjoying the years that the Lord has ordained for me.
O.K. so I am 15 to 20 lbs. overweight, wrinkles refuse to be 'hidden', and my energy and turn around time are decreasing and increasing accordingly, but in my year 54 life assessment, I would not change anything . . . . God is good and so is life!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wisdom from Oswald Chambers

 "You no more need a day off of spiritual concentration from matters than your heart needs a day off from beating.  As you cannot take a day  off from being moral and remain moral, neither can you take a day off spiritually and remain spiritual."


These precious little girls, Ada, Nica, and Evelyn, smile from the inside out.  When they smile and laugh, there is a genuine joy that exudes from their faces.  Parenting is a daunting task. Parenting adopted children brings even more challenge.  I have the greatest respect for what my Mom and Dad are doing in their foster care of Bryan. I share that same respect for Sean and Cate.  My prayers go up for them daily as they sacrifice what most would be unwilling to do, by giving everything they have to make the life of someone who had nothing, full and rich with the love of Jesus.

This is what ministry will do for you!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Back to School!

As wonderful as it was to be traveling, meeting new people, seeing and learning new things, it is equally as wonderful to be home.  Our puppies were well and happy to see us, an no worse for the separation. 
As per usual, Steve hit the ground running this week as he is preparing for one of the two yearly Board Meetings. Next Wednesday, men and women from all over the U.S. and even some Latin countries will gather for the three day event.  Tomorrow he gives the MSO (Mission Support Office) the yearly "state of the Mission" address, (sounds so formal!) adding to so many firsts.
Every challenge is still fresh and new and he is taking them on with energy and enthusiasm.  I remember thinking to myself during one of our many meetings with missionaries in Costa Rica, just how perfectly matched he is to this position.  He could go from person to person, ministry to ministry,  relating to and immediately tracking with all that was being said and happening.  He thrives on the challenge as well as the relationships. He can quickly process where a ministry and a person is, and find ways to bring what ever is required to that situation.  I just sat back and watched.  I am so grateful to God for all He is doing.

One note of praise . . . last week Steve received word that the Tyndale Foundation has donated $50,000.00 to LAM to be used at the presidents discretion . . . That was amazing and wonderful news!  Not only is it a large and needed gift, but Steve can prayerfully seek out the most strategic ways for that money to be used.  While funds are incredibly tight right now for LAM, as they are just about everywhere, we are so grateful to the Lord for lifting our spirits and providing funds for purposeful ministry.

Dramatic change of subject, but . . . . .

Over the years I have had several thoughts of going back to school, but every time something else took priority.  One of our other children needing the funds for education for themselves,
one time it was an unexpected pregnancy, ( that would have been #3 for me!)  and so on. But I have been praying and thinking about finishing my degree and there seems to be no roadblocks at the moment.  So, over the last week I have researched over 200 schools and numerous degree programs and have landed on a BA degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Upper Iowa State University.   They have a marvelous Online program that gives me the freedom to work from home and at my own pace.  If I am able to stick with it, my ultimate goal is to also take some theology and psychology classes, perhaps ending with an MA in Christian Counseling.  Kind of funny and strange to think that it may take me from now until I am 60 (ugh!) to reach this goal, but I could have at least 10 if not 15 years to put the education to use.  It certainly would keep me busy and focused!  Today I sent for my transcripts from ASU to be sent to UIU, and could be starting my first class in June . . . I think it will be fun to attend college while at least one of my kids is doing the same.  Of course Christa may have her doctorate before I even have my BA, but that only serves to motivate me.  I will keep you posted!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 12 in Costa Rica

This is it! Our full day in Costa Rica. One the one hand it has gone by so fast. However, it tires me out to think where we have been, what we have seen, who we have met and what God is doing through LAM in this place. Our time in “Jesus Calling” every morning seems more than just appropriately relevant to each days’ challenges and it has served as one of the few constants, along with morning toast and fruit, during our trip.

Very honestly, we did not want to leave the hotel today, even if it was for a couple of hours. Before retiring last night Steve spoke with Bob and Ann Jeffrey, a retirement age couple who don’t know the meaning of the word, who would be our guides today. They had aggressive plans for us to see another one of our LAM clinics, CEDCAS (google it), and several of the poor shanty villages where they and CEDCAS have been working for 25 years. We already had to make plans for dinner with one last couple for tonight, so it didn’t look like we would be able to enjoy the hotel too much today.

The Jeffreys came and got us at the hotel at 9:00, and we hit it off right away. Bob and Ann are the type of people who live to serve, love it and show it! Their weathered look belies years of hard work outside. Their hearts, however, are about as tender as they come! A quick trip to the center of our little suburb led us to the CEDCAS clinic, another state-of-the-art facility. Unlike the hospital, CEDCAS is committed to serving those with minimal resources, partnering with the government to give high quality care in a small facility. In many ways, CEDCAS is a full-service mini hospital, complete with Xrays, ultrasounds, gastrointestinal scopes, a complete surgical suite, dental and vision suites, quarters for twenty short-term workers and a nice apartment for the CEDCAS director, Lillian Solt, another one of our LAM stars!

Lillian is the textbook definition of overachiever. To see what God has wrought through her vision, inspiration and tireless effort over the last 25 years is nothing short of truly awesome. She runs the clinic which tends to dozens every day, she oversees the work of dozens of short-term teams from the U.S. and elsewhere every year who come to build, renovate, or minister in the shanty towns on behalf of CEDCAS, she maintains a continuous regime of teaching nationals healthcare, she is acquiring buildings, designing the facilities that go in those buildings and manages the process all along the way, she is helping to build a new campus for her local church…and raises a bunch of money to get it all done! We’re tired just thinking about it.
She has an adult daughter who shares the load, but we did not get to meet her.

Lillian gave us a thorough orientation to the ministries and services of CEDCAS, took us on a tour of the sprawling facility (which looks like nothing more than a large house from the street) and sat us down to watch a couple of videos of the shanty town work. The Jeffreys knew how spent we were, so they decided to replace a trip across town with a seven-minute video. God bless them! Two hours came and went quickly as we were both very impressed with what we had experienced.

Right around noon, the Jeffreys dropped us off at the hotel apparently just in time for a scrumptious lunch, followed by afternoon naps and walks in the gardens. We were so tired, changing to go swimming in the gorgeous pool couldn’t tempt us! We relaxed all afternoon anticipating but one more meeting - a quick dinner with Jeff and Barbi David, along with their daughter, Caressa. Instead of going to their home, we invited them to join us in the dining room at 5:30. What’s the saying about the best-laid plans of men…?

Our enjoyment of an afternoon deep sleep was interrupted at 4:30 by the phone. The Davids were downstairs…an hour early. We hustled to get presentable and met them in the bar where we sat and drank cokes until dinner. We though we could eat at 5:30, but ha to wait until 6:00. The girls went walking and Jeff and Steve talked seminary education the entire time. Jeff splits his time between ESEPA (the seminary) and PROMETA, the online master’s program. Jeff gave Steve a complete history of the two ministries and how they have and haven’t interacted over the last few years. His heart is in both ministries and he has an interesting mix of vision and desire for the hands-on teaching work. The two guys hit it off! Steve is sure that, after what he has seen and heard these last 12 days, that theological education will have to be a major focus for LAM in the near future. We have the history, the reputation, the relationships and the facilities to perhaps become the premier provider of future Latin leaders through theological preparation.

The dinner hour came and went quickly with another wonderful culinary experience. A quick glance at the 8:15 being displayed on Steve’s iPhone was both hard to believe and too much! The Davids excused themselves and left for home and the Johnsons enjoyed a glass of wine before finding their (our) way to the room. A short conversation on the patio overlooking the gardens was followed by the packing of our bags, a little television, some facebooking, and then some serious pillow time!

This has been one incredible journey for the two of us. As we look back on it, the real value of these Presidential Visits probably cannot be adequately estimated. We developed real relationships with just about everyone. We were able to get a clear picture of our many different ministries in Costa Rica. We have learned valuable history from many different perspectives. Most, if not all, opened their hearts and lives and really shared. We were able to listen, comfort, encourage and pray. Steve comes back with a list of items for discussion and decision that is long, but in no way disheartening…just the opposite. We also have a list of suggestions for the next trip to Mexico in May that will hopefully make that experience less of a “killer.”

The processing will continue for weeks. But we must also say that so much more was gained by the two of us being together, listening, watching and debriefing from our individual perspectives. This will help greatly in the decisions to come in the future.
Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the LAM Board and the Management Team for your initial encouragement and continued support of our traveling together.

To God be the glory in the Costa Rica Chapter of our journey…

Day 11 in Costa Rica

Two more days to go…and we’re spending most of them at the Bougainvillea Hotel in Santo Domingo (a suburb of San José). That’s how we started this Monday morning (after reading our daily passages in “Jesus Calling” first).

The schedules for today and tomorrow have been shortened as we are almost completely spent. We wanted very much to meet our remaining missionaries but have lost a bit of interest in seeing every building and barrio in which they work. God went before us as Steve talked with those still on the docket. Amazingly enough, they were feeling worn out for us after looking at the schedule. So today was, and hopefully tomorrow will be, compacted. Well, at least that was the plan…

We jumped into a cab about 7:45, and rode the 30 minutes down to the AMCA house in order to upload blogs, make phone calls and send some emails. Paul Pretiz, a veteran missionary and now retiree was to pick us up at 9:00 and take us to his house for coffee. At 9:20, Steve got a bit worried and called him. Somehow wires had gotten crossed (Steve thinks it was probably his “bad”), and Paul had instead driven up to Mike’s which was closer and would have saved a $15.00 cab ride! He said he would come down and get us, so we had another half hour to work - and we needed it. At the same time, the hour delay was setting everything back, including our arrival at the hotel!

We had a wonderful ride back to Pretiz’ home which was simple and yet comfortable for them. Ruth had a stroke several years ago so her body wasn’t working like most do, but she was completely alert and quite conversational. She is a prayer warrior and has spent a lot of time in prayer for Shellie and me. They, like the other retirees, have been in Costa Rica for decades, have family now in Costa Rica, and are content to live the rest of their earthly sojourn in Costa Rica. Paul is a writer and has authored many articles and co-authored several books about the ministry of LAM. He and Ruth came to Central America to work as radio station managers with HCJB, on loan from LAM. We enjoyed a spot of tea, fresh fruit and some short but meaningful vignettes of their ministries over the years. It was too short! We had only been sitting for about 20 minutes when Paul abruptly said that we needed to get going if we were going to make the right connection with our next family, the Meyers’. After a brief, but precious time of prayer, Paul drove around the north side of city, past the HCJB towers (Faro del Caribe actually), and guided us to a mall!!!

Josh and Christy Meyers and their two cute kids were waiting for us at the entrance of the mall and we selected a hamburger joint in which to sit and eat. Not having had too much luck with meat, Steve had very low expectations. To our surprise, the burgers and fries were great (almost like home). It was a special treat for the Meyers. Josh and Christy are teaching at Palabra de Vida, our very first stop of the trip, with Matt and Lisa Befus. Matt was actually their youth pastor at College Church in Wheaton many moons ago. Josh left a growing career with Capital One to join the Befus’ on a limited term mission (2-3 years). The more we listened to what God had already done in and through them in the U.S. and here, Steve’s brain kicked into vision gear. They have enjoyed teaching, but it’s not what they want to do to for the long term. This is the kind of guy who could help us grow the mission from within. Steve hesitated saying anything directly to Josh about the possibility of working with us in the MSO
until we were saying goodbye to them. Josh sent Steve an email later that night with a copy of resume and is quite interested. Due to our desire to shorten the schedule, we only had an hour with them and then they drove us down to the Clinica Biblica for our grand tour of this huge hospital.

The Clinica Biblica could very well be the crowning achievement to the memory of Harry and Susan Strachan, the founders. The Clinica was started in the 1920’s in a small building and has grown to cover several city blocks with multiple-story buildings. It is one of the very few state-of-the-art hospitals in Latin America, and most likely one of the largest! The buildings are strewn pictures and dedications and verses that make clear the biblical foundation and ongoing christian values upon which the hospital operates.
Upon arriving, we were met by Bev Cook and her two sons. They essentially run the international insurance and travel programs for the hospital. Apparently, thousands of dollars are spent each year to entice North Americans to come to the Clinica for every type of surgery and cosmetic alteration, which can be had for a fraction of the U.S. cost in facilities which, quite honestly, rival any hospital we’ve seen in the U.S. The Cooks escorted us to a quiet conference room where we heard of their programs and how they have been serving at the Clinica, now well into the second generation.

We stopped for a bit to sit and drink some water at their very modern coffee bar, when Esthela, one of our hosts on Sunday, came to get us. Esthela not only leads a church with Verna, but she also serves as the Chaplain for the Clinica. Everywhere we went in the hospital it was abundantly clear that, not only was she doing her job, she was doing very well! She took a break from her duties to give us a comprehensive tour of the hospital facilities. We were able to receive a tour of the original building, which is still being used though the patient rooms are now converted into offices, and we saw almost every floor in every building. Esthela knows this place well!

2:30 came quite quickly and Steve had hopes of getting to the hotel by 3:00. Sensitive to the exhaustion that must have been on our faces by that time, Esthela hailed a cab for us and we were off to the AMCA house first, to get our bags, and then to the hotel. Steve figured it would take almost an hour to do it all. But God’s grace was to be found yet again, as we learned that the AMCA house was less than five minutes from the hospital, and that the hotel was only ten minutes from there. We were checking into Room 207 at 3:10. We barely made it onto the beds and napped for a couple of hours, looking out our room window over the beautiful gardens we described earlier.

Tonight brought us a quite table for two in the dining room, reminiscent of a 1960’s artsy retreat center, once again overlooking beautiful flowers and trees. The linen tablecloths, fused-glass lamps and numerous paintings on the walls made it all seem so distant from the heat and bustle of ministry we have been experiencing for almost two weeks. The decision to move here was right and it didn’t take too long to being to feel like we had actually found rest and retreat in the midst of such a trip! Our evening as made even more special by the quietness of the hotel - we hit during Semana Santa. There were only a few people at the hotel.

Falling to sleep tonight won’t be hard, and we so look forward to waking up to the birds in the gardens tomorrow morning. Only the Lord could make a day so packed with people and places melt away in the midst of His beauty…

Day 10 in Costa Rica

This is the day the Lord has made; let us us rejoice and be glad in it! Today’s schedule was a full one and I can’t help how more difficult it would have been were it not for Mike’s graciousness. To remind you, his house is about 15 kilometers, or 10 miles from downtown San José. Traffic limits speed to an average of about 20 mph, so you can imagine what a trip into town means for someone. We got up, got ready and Mike drove us into downtown San José and dropped us off at the Clínica Bíblica Hospital, the major downtown hospital, which just happens to have been founded by the original Strachan’s in the 1920’s (more on tomorrow’s blog). He then went home, cooked breakfast for Jonathan and four of his friends who stayed the night, got cleaned up and made it back into town for his own church (where we were last Sunday) by 10:00 - He’s crazy!!!!!

We waited curbside for about 5 minutes and then were picked up by Verna Brenamen and Esthela Corvallos, two single gals who have worked here with LAM for over 45 years, primarily with the Clínica Bíblica. They took us on a 30-minute drive on a hot morning to the church they help to start 30 years ago, Templo Bíblico Peniel in a suburb of San José, las Pavas. As we drove up to the church, we were taken back by the evident poverty and the piles of uncollected garbage lining the streets of the church’s neighborhood. The girls pointed out where the old church building was and then parked in front of the “new church”, a combo concrete and corrugated aluminum structure, badly in the need of painting. We could hear the worship team practicing from the street, and I even recognized a couple of them. We waked up a set of stairs from the street to a relatively small sanctuary with a small stage in front, ceiling and window fans everywhere. We were warmly greeted by the Nicaraguan pastor(s), who take all of their cues from Vera and Esthela (who are both in their mid-late seventies). Although church was supposed to start, there were but a few women and young people in the church. But like every church I’ve been in and even pastored, by 10 minutes into the service the place was relatively full and diverse.

Worship lasted almost an hour and it was interesting. The worship team consisted of a drummer, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, and two singers. One was actually quite good, while her teammate was, well let’s just say she struggled to find the pitch. The worship was lively and, yet, hard for us to enter into because they had no way for us to follow along - no screens, no powerpoint, no nothing. How can these people survive?!?!??!

After about 45 minutes, the worship team sat down and one of the pastors invited Esthela to come up and help us to continue to worship. She pulled out what looked like a flannel graph book (oversized) from the sixties and shared the Palm Sunday story very quickly using the pictures. Then she passed out a sheet of paper that had several hymns on it and proceeded to lead us in all five verses of every hymn on the sheet a capella! It’s not my cup of tea, but boy the people sang!!!

After an offering and prayer, the pastor turned it over to me and I preached for the 40 minutes they had asked for. You know how hard that was for me… After I closed in prayer, they paraded the little kids first, followed by the youth group, onto the platform and they shared the verse they had learned for the day. A song and a prayer later the service was over. Most of the church came up and hugged us and then filed out rather quickly to head to their homes. We had to wait a bit for Esthela to finish up, but within 10 minutes we were off to a nice restaurant in their area for a “langosta” (small lobster) feast. At lunch we heard about the many years Esthela and Verna have served with the LAM and about their upcoming two-month whirlwind furlough around the U.S. After lunch we traveled with them back to their apartment, which they have been renting for 35 years for tea, apple cobbler, pictures of the last thirty years and more history. I cannot re-emphasize enough the extent of both commitment and sacrifice that our long-term missionaries have given to the Lord and to LAM.

Around 1:30, Mike and his son Jonathan came by to pick us up and take us back to their home to get some much needed rest before getting ready to preach again at Escazú Christian Fellowship on the far opposite side of town. We arrived hot and tired at about 2:00, expecting to get a couple of hours of downtime. What we didn’t know at that time was that the main freeway from downtown San José to Escazú was closed for paving, which would mean that we would have to take a much longer ‘round about way to get to church. At 2:45, about the time I was finally dozing off, Mike shouted in from the front door that we only had about fifteen minutes to get ready. We would have to leave around 3:00 to drive into town to meet the Rice’s who would then take us to Escazú (their church).

We met the Rice’s at 3:15, and they took the long way around which still got us to the church at about 4:00, one full hour before service was to start. We took advantage of the time to meet the pastor, a presbyterian in his third year as pastor of the interdenominational Escazú Christian Fellowship. We listened as the Worship Team rehearsed mostly songs and hymns we knew or guessed were very presbyterian. They were are acoustic and quite appropriate for the service.

As the service was beginning we were greeted by Suzanne Emory, Matt and Lisa Befus and the Sabeans, all LAMers we had spent time with this past week. In order to adapt to the 25-minute framework for the message I consolidated a lot from the am message and it was a tad bit easier to preach in English (though not a whole lot so). We participated after the message in the Lord’s Supper by intinction (look it up!), and I was asked to give the benediction and then walked out in true liturgical style with the Pastor (Stacey). We had to wait quite a while for Shelley Rice to finish up with all her duties and communications and then we were off to dinner together.

A short drive and we arrived at RostiPollo, a Costa Rican answer to Boston Market. We had great charbroiled chicken with all the trimmings and enjoyed more conversation with Craig and Shelley. By the time we had eaten the last bite, I was already fading, and the Rice’s could see it. So we hurried off to the downtown bus station where we caught a taxi back to Mike’s. We had a brief conversation with Mike, who was heading up north with his pastor the next morning, packed most of our nags in order to head for the Bougainvillea tomorrow morning, talked with Stefi, and then fell asleep pretty quickly.

Another long, hot, wonderful day in the Lord was added to our memories…

Day 9 in Costa Rica

It’s Saturday and we have had a wonderful and restful day in many ways. We woke up a little later than usual to Mike’s call to join him for breakfast. Instead he and I drove over to a little “pulpería” or mini-market to grab some milk, etc. On the way back we stopped off at one of his favorite hangouts - a small bakery run by a Colombian couple. We picked up some fresh baked bread and had it cut, and we added a cream cheese-filled twist loaf and a cinnamon roll for extra measure and returned to the house to enjoy it with Shellie.

After a bite, we started in what seems to be normal Saturday chores - washing clothes and straightening things up. Shellie got caught up on her part of the blogging and I began to review my notes for tomorrow’s sermons. I was going to do my sermon on Jabez, but at the last minute felt led to focus on Domingo de Ramos (Palm Sunday), so I switched to Matthew 21:1-10.

After a couple of quiet hours, Mike needed to take his son Jonathan, a sophomore at a boarding high school in Southern California, to their Korean church to meet friends. I offered to go with them, so I left Shellie to rest and drove the 25 minutes down to the church. What another culture shock! As soon as we got to the gate people’s heads were bowing a mile a minute. I don’t think I’ve given my neck such a workout in years! The people were very warm, gracious and kind, even though I couldn’t understand one single word of the Korean in which they were speaking. Mike introduced me to the new pastor, a nice guy who, again, couldn’t speak english or spanish, so we were left to bows, smiles and Mike’s interpretation. It is obvious that Mike is highly respected among all these people!

It was great to watch Jonathan’s reunion with friends after a semester away. All the kids in the youth group ran and bowed first, then grabbed and hugged him. After leaving Jonathan off at the church, Mike and I decided to eat lunch at a very non-traditional Costa Rican restaurant, Los Arcos Dorados (McDonald’s). Like every other McDonald’s in the world on Saturday I suppose, it was crowded! The food however was completely predictable and the conversation even better. We began talking about what’s next for Mike in ministry. We talked over several interesting options for him to carry in prayer on his upcoming 3-week trip to the U.S., then japan, followed by Korea (to stop off at his small 40,000 member church), and then on to China to see his sister. I look forward to talking when he returns.

Saturday afternoon brought both Shellie and me much needed naps! At around 5:00, Mike again came to the door and invited us to join him for dinner. We went into San José to one of his favorite Chinese places and we had a decent meal. It seems like the meal however took a back seat to our conversation about love, potential wives for Mike and his future ministry. It occurred to Shellie in the day that a gal we love and who served on staff with me in Monterey might be a pretty good match for Mike. We’re going to work on that one!

We didn’t stay too long at dinner and returned to the house to get ready for tomorrow morning. I made a few phone calls to arrange for tomorrow’s transportation all over town and to alleviate our schedules a bit on Monday and Tuesday, still allowing us to meet and spend a bit of time with all. Everyone is so understanding!!! If I haven’t said it enough yet, we have great people in Costa Rica!!!

Our evening ended with “The Three Musketeers,” a Disney film, which energized me for tomorrow. It is so beautiful right now, that our french door and windows stayed open all night to let the breeze caress us to sleep. Thank you Lord for a day of rest and friendship!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 8 in Costa Rica

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me the strength.” That’s the theme of our daily prayers and meditations now a full week into our first of several Presidential visits to the fields of LAM. It is 9:00 pm and we just got back to Mike’s where we instantly find peace and calm…normally! Not tonight however. Today starts the Semana Santa (Holy Week) celebrations and there is a huge party going on down the road with full amps and speakers, an emcee, loud music and a pretty decent subwoofer system. Looks like we’re in for a long night. I guess the Lord wants us to leave every drop on the altar of dependence today!

We left the house this morning at 7:55, headed for the AMCA house where we stayed the first two nights. It has been the central meeting place for all of our trips around San José and beyond. Steve had some time to publish a couple more days of our journal on the blog and made a couple of calls to the home office while waiting for Craig and Christina Burch to pick us up and take us to ESEPA, one of the two seminaries started by LAM. Greg is a professor of missions and finishing up his Ph.D. in missions at Fuller Seminary. God has given him a special call - to train pastors and workers in developing ministry to street kids at risk. He is currently developing a fully orbed curriculum to be used in seminaries throughout Latin America. Greg and Christina have logged ten years with LAM but have all the enthusiasm and energy of new recruits. I think they encouraged Steve more than he could encourage them!

After a brief cafecito and conversation with the Burchs, Paul Mauger, another LAM missionary who just happens to be sent from Phil and Cindi’s church in Pennsylvania, brought two students in to the sitting room where we had been talking with Craig and Christina. To our surprise, neither was a true latino. One of the students, Stefán was a North American, ex-marine from Kansas City who chose to study in Costa Rica over the U.S. to help pave the way language-wise and culturally for future ministry in Latin America. The other student I was to find out at the end of our conversation is Robby Richard, the son of Dr. Ramesh Richard, a professor at Dallas Seminary, evangelist and preacher. It was amazing to hear how he chose to be at ESEPA instead of Dallas because he loves Costa Rica…so much so that he has married a “Tica” (so did Stefán)! These two young men began to ask questions about LAM and missions and that was like throwing raw meat to a lion for Steve. He switched into recruitment mode and really connected with the students. He hopes to stay in contact with them and help them find their future through LAM.

We then met for a while with the new Rector (president) of the seminary and learned about the ups and downs, as well as the current vision for the seminary. Steve really feels that LAM has to do more to support the seminary and the finding and training of future theologians, especially in light of the proliferation of so many megachurch pastors who have little or no theological training. Robby Richard told us of an evangelical conservative church they attended in the interior of Costa Rica that teaches a man can have seven wives, according to the Bible?!?!? There is such a lack of serious theological reflection in Latin America today and ESEPA holds the real promise of develop and providing platform for the next generation of theological leaders.

After a while with the Rector, Mark Padgett, Paul Mauger rushed us over to his house for homemade pizza (yummy!) and great conversation with him and Nancy. They were sent to the field by Westshore EV Free Church, which Shellie’s brother Phil pastors.
Aside from teaching at the seminary, Paul helps with admin at ESEPA and is actively involved in helping the growing Latin Missions movement (Latins going out as missionaries to the world). Nancy started a discipleship through baking group 15 years ago and they’re still going strong! Paul and Daniel, their son, of course appreciate the physical fruits of the group’s baking labors! As we have found with almost every missionary, Paul and Nancy opened their hearts and their lives to us in a short amount of time and we are deeply grateful. LAM has incredibly wonderful people!

No sooner did we finish our pizza then Bob Sabean (he’s the crazy driver from last Saturday) came by to whisk us off on an hour-long trip back up to Camp Roblealto to see the actual camp and meet the new director, a LAM missionary. Bob spoke nonstop the entire time about Christian Camping International, the group he has worked with for over 30 years. At times, Shellie had to start giving Steve a back rub or head rub because lunch and the heat had him falling asleep as Bob continued on. We were greeted at the camp by the Director, Robert Bruneau, and his wife Nina. They are a wonderful couple from Panama who have been with LAM for nine years in camping ministries. We took a quick tour of the camp and then sat for several hours and talked Christian Camping International, Argentine soccer, what it is like to be a Latin and a LAM missionary at the same time. The conversation spilled over into a wonderful homemade lasagna dinner in the midst of a torrential rain. Once again, their transparency and honesty is so encouraging to us.

7:00 came quickly and we needed to get back to the other side of San José (Mike’s house). We jumped into the camp truck and Robert and Steve proceeded to get lost somewhere in northeast San José. After finally doing what most men won’t - stop and ask directions- we got on the right road, only to come to a complete halt after a kilometer or two. We thought we had come up on an accident because traffic wasn’t moving in either direction. So being the brainiacs that Steve and Robert thought they were, they tried a detour…that fifteen minutes later only led us right back to where we tried to detour. Traffic was moving slowly, but moving by this time. After a few minutes we came up on what was slowing everything - a two-block long catholic procession celebrating the beginning of Semana Santa. There was no traffic control, nothing. The parade simply took over the road and we had to do what we could to go around them.
The trip took almost two hours. It should have taken 25 minutes. But the Lord meant for us to spend more time with Robert on the road and it was good quality conversation.

We’re sure that we’ve left some details out, but we’re so tired we can hardly keep our eyes on the screen. A great, long, hard, fruitful, tiring, hot, and encouraging day! Steve just got off the phone with the Gaults, a couple we were to go to La Cumbre Camp with tomorrow morning. He canceled us out of the 8-hour drive up into the mountains tomorrow so that we can sleep in, rest and prepare for a long Sunday. We love and miss you all and thank you for praying us through these days!

Day 6 Addendum

Here's a quick picture of us in the middle of the jungle of Costa Rica…well, not really. It's in the middle of the lush gardens at the Hotel Bougainvillea. It's as close as we'll get this trip to the jungle!

Day 7 in Costa Rica

Okay, so sometimes I go too fast and hard! Shellie hit the wall yesterday and so I made the decision to have her stay here at Mike’s and enjoy the cool, the quiet, and the beauty. I have to admit that I am pretty tired too; tired of all the travel in traffic, tired of the heat, and tired of going from one meaningful conversation to another and not being able to “fix” everything right away. But He knows much better than I do what I can and cannot handle. And I apologize that I have no pictures for today! I guess I'm hitting the wall too...

Of all the days for Shellie to stay home, I write this a bit disappointed that she couldn’t be with me. Steve Mean came and got me and then dropped me off at the AMCA house at about 8:00. I spent some time on the computer and calling the states, awaiting the arrival of Craig and Shelley Rice, who have been here with LAM for almost 25 years! Craig is a quiet but lovable guy who works with IINDEF, our Evangelism in Depth ministry here in Costa Rica (If you want to know more about Evangelism in Depth, google it). we walked to the IINDEF office and he showed me a database that he is building that will hopefully one day have every Christian organization and missions agency listed in it - a huge project!

After some brief conversation, Shelly came by and picked me to go to the RAHAB foundation, a ministry dedicated to helping prostitutes find Christ, get off the streets for good, and work for better lives. I have to admit I was not looking too forward to the visit and “sitting in on a small group meeting.” Shelley talks faster than a Venezuelan, looks and even has gestures like my sister Cindy, and yet has learned all the different “tico” gestures and tones in her voice. I was quite impressed. We travelled a short distance to downtown San José to what is considered one of the main “red light” districts. We stopped in front of a gate that looked like it opened into a junk yard. To my surprise, as the gate rolled back, I was looking at a beautiful 3-story building in the final phases of construction. I am sorry that I didn’t take any pictures. I just totally spaced on pictures all day! The building is the new center for the foundation. It houses classrooms, a fully commercial kitchen, a sewing center, a computer center, meeting rooms and offices. It perhaps is the most american-like building I’ve seen. Shelley took me on a tour of the entire property and showed me everything; and I mean everything! I saw closets, I heard the stories of individual doors and ovens. I was beginning to feel that I might be held captive all day and night until I knew every nook and cranny and every piece of equipment they had! Fortunately, the director of the center showed up with some coffee and we talked for a while about the ministry of the foundation. I couldn’t help but think of the days when Cara was working with gals at risk and a couple of afternoon drives to the secured shelters to help her find protection for a couple of young moms. I am going to try and put them in contact, because I think Cara has a lot to offer them. They are a relatively young ministry and have the vision to not only help prostitutes, but all victims of sexual commerce, including the very large population of transvestite men here in San José.

At about 10:30, the director received a call and she ushered me up to the second floor where we walked into a small group in progress. You can probably well imagine how I should have felt - a pastor walking into a room filled with prostitutes. But the Lord had somehow prepared me to “let go” of preconceptions and discomfort, so I actually felt quite relaxed. The director introduced me and had each gal introduce herself, how many kids she had and a little about her life. There were, I think, twelve women from 22 to 40 something. Most had at least two, if not three kids. Their stories were enough to fill several “60 Minutes” programs. They were a bit tense and quiet when the director asked if they had questions for me. After some awkward silence, one of the gals asked what she should do about her relationship with her mom who stood by and watched as she was abused by her father and uncles and others. She left home, hit the streets and is now trying to straighten up her life. With tears in her eyes she desperately wanted some hope for restoration with her mother. I shared with her that often we have to make the decision to follow Christ, even in the face of rejection, but that God would most likely give her the opportunity in time to reconcile with her mom. Somehow that broke the ice and one-by-one, all the gals opened their hearts and shared some of their stories. As I write these next few lines I am tearing up when I think of the desperation mixed with faith. One of the gals looked me in the eye and said that the night before (Wednesday), she was standing in front of “Rey” (the Hotel Rey in downtown) ready to slip back because she didn’t have any money with which to feed her three kids breakfast this morning. A man offered her 1,000 Colones - about $1.80…yes, that’s one dollar and eighty cents, for her services. She said that at that instant she recognized what the staff at Rahab had been telling her for weeks; “You are extremely valuable to God!” She turned, walked away and found herself going home and loving her kids. I was left wondering if God had not only spoken to her, but if He had also provided breakfast for her.

I spent about an hour with the gals and we finished the time standing in a circle, holding hands and praying. I can’t help but think that, as a result of my time this morning, I won;t be able to look at these women with disdain or judgement, but as younger sisters who are desperately in need of the unconditional love of Christ and His followers. I take a risk in saying this, but this associate ministry of ours may be on of the most strategic we have!

The director and Shelley thanked me and by that time, Craig had driven to meet us at the center. We walked a couple of blocks to a health food restaurant and enjoyed fresh fruit drinks, healthy chalupas and some great conversation. After lunch I said goodbye to Shelley and Craig drove me a few blocks to the stained glass studio of Jaime Cabezas, the second generation son of missionaries. Jaime speaks perfect english but really is “tico.” He is a member of the LAM board and knows just about every influential person in San José. He is most proud of his business, which helps people learn how to do stained glass, mosaics and glass fusion. He has just received word that the University of Costa Rica (the largest) is finishing up the details on an agreement that will give students university credit for studying at Jaime’s shop! His mother walked in on our conversation and I got yet another perspective of the high times of the LAM in Costa Rica. I am so impressed with this generation of missionaries.

Jaime took me by car to the Roblealto headquarters, where I met up with Steve Mean and we travelled to the Lincoln School, an international American school that Steve and Gay’s son attends. It was beyond belief! Millions been spent on this school which is state of the art in every way. Getting into the parking lot is as difficult as entering an embassy I would think and, as a matter of fact, I was told that the Department of Homeland Security had just installed high voltage wiring above the beautiful stone walls and dozens of security cameras all over campus. It was not too far from Mike’s house and the trip with Steve saved me money and gave me some wonderful “filter” time with Steve. We called a taxi from the school soccer field where Steve’s boy was playing and fifteen minutes later I arrived at Mike’s to find a completely refreshed and relaxed Shellie!

I had about an hour of down time before having to get ready for dinner with the grandson of the founders of LAM, Harry Strachan and his wife Sandy. We called a cab and rode to the extreme opposite side of San José to Escazú, which is in essence little America. The streets are lined with every chain restaurant you could name, including the high end ones. After getting a bit lost, the taxista dropped us off in front of a five-story building up on the hill overlooking the entire valley. We were warmly greeted by Harry and Sandy in their fifth-story penthouse that had almost an entire glass front with a view beyond description. We sat for a half of an hour and learned each other’s stories. Harry did begin to follow the family call to missions. After being raised here in San José, he attended Wheaton College and then began to question the faith of his parents and the call in his life. He ended up at Harvard and ultimately graduated with an M.B.A.
He quickly rose up in the investment world and began teaching at Harvard, while serving as one of the founders of the Baine Capital group out of Boston. Needless to say, he has found great wealth. Sandy is his second wife of almost 15 years and they appear to be quite content with their lives here in San José and on the road (they travel several months a year). They have formed several foundations that keep them busy doing compassion kind of work. While they have had some involvement with Camp Robelalto, they have had essentially no relationship with the LAM for many years.

Harry drove us to a beautiful upper end hotel in San José called the Grano de Oro, where the four of us enjoyed a dinner that would rival the best of restaurants in every way. I asked Harry to share his journey and he spent the majority of our dinner time confirming what many had already told me. His journey has led him away from the Lord into an agnostic life, looking for the divine in every potential religion or philosophy. My heart sank as I heard him describe how he had become so successful in business, yet so confused spiritually (my words). We did share some moments discussing LAM, it’s history and vision and there is no question it has been a big part of his life - just not now.
After a couple of hours, we said our goodbyes and Shellie and I took a taxi back to Mike’s grateful for a wonderful dinner with new friends, but sad with the realization that all three of Kenneth Strachan’s children (The founder’s son) are not walking with the Lord. There’s a word from the Lord in all this for those of us who consciously or unconsciously put ministry before our relationships with our families!

A bit awed, sad and disturbed by the days events, I prayed and then “escaped” to “the Greatest Game Ever Played,” one of my favorite feel-good movies.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 6 in Costa Rica

We awoke to a beautiful, clear day after the rain of yesterday. It is hard to believe that we are still in the city here at Mike’s house, because when you are on the grounds, all you hear are roosters in the distance and chirping birds. It truly is ‘park like”. While Steve was getting ready for the day, I sat outside and took it all in. To quietly think and pray in this environment is so refreshing. It is the rare moment of the day when I don’t feel that I must be “on”.
Steve Mean picked us up and drove us to the AMCA house where we were to participate in the ESL classes that they teach everyday, as well as a graduation, as this is the end of a trimester. The upstairs of the AMCA house is where we stayed the first couple of days, so we went there after our greetings to re-connect with family. (No internet connection at Mike’s house!) Today I “hit the wall” as it were, and just felt like I had very little to offer anyone. I stayed upstairs talking with our kids by phone while Steve handled the visit downstairs. I even had a few minutes to rest…
We took a taxi over to meet with Carrie Smith, a brand new LAM missionary. She is 22 years old and has committed 3 years to Centro Cristiano International and Pastor Rolando Soto to assist this organization in expanding their global missions. She is serving as the assistant to the director of the global missions arm of CCI. CCI started 12 years ago when a couple of pastors got together in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and asked God to help them form a church that would truly be missionary. They first met as a church in an international school in Tegucipgalpa and hence the name – Centro Cristiano International.
We took Carrie to lunch and learned from her how the last 3 weeks of being in the country have been. This is really a return for her since she did some of her college studies here. She seems to be adjusting well. We walked back to the church, and Pastor Rolando invited us into his office to talk about his ministry. Interestingly enough, he is a product of LAM ministry! He attended the Henry Strachan School at Camp Roblealto as a boy, graduated from the Seminario Biblico and pastored one of the churches of the denomination that LAM started here in Costa Rica (AIBC)! The CCI church here in San Joaquín de Flores (a suburb of San José) and the CCI movement, while only 12 years old, has over 100 churches in Latin America, Asia, Europe and Africa. He showed us around his church, which is very much under construction in parts, but the auditorium reminded both Steve and me of Mosaic when it was meeting in the upstairs of the building at 8010 McDowell. There was an immediate heart connection with Rolando and I know that we have made a friend for life. He invited Steve to come and preach Sunday but Steve will be preaching morning and evening at different churches this week. He then asked if Steve would come next April and lead the Missions Conference for the CCI movement. Steve agreed so it looks like we will be back here a year from now.
We then grabbed a taxi and met Steve Mean at a McDonald’s to get into his 20 year-old Land Rover, with me in the back, to go to a lovely hotel that he had been telling us about that has a beautiful garden area. It is called the Bougainvillea, and when we actually got there and began to see and explore the gardens, I was in total awe. It has acres of gorgeous plants and well-manicured lawns. We walked for probably an hour, taking pictures and just taking it all in. If you recall from an earlier blog, Steve Mean is a master gardener and this is one of his retreat places. I sent my brother Gordon some of the pictures knowing that this is a place he needs to come when he visits Costa Rica.
We then went to Steve’s home where I was able to meet Gay, his wife and eventually in the evening, their 17 year-old son Samuel. With internet connection there, we did some work, then had a wonderful meal around their kitchen table. The meat brochettes somehow were overcooked, so our meal became a meatless one, but was tasty and filling none the less. Originally we were going to stay there for two days, but with my “hitting the wall”, and needing privacy and rest, we returned to Mike’s house and I made the decision to stay there Thursday, letting Steve go and meet with everyone without me. I need a day to recuperate and I am hoping that people will understand. We ended the evening with some of the fresh fruit that is so wonderful here in Costa Rica and watched a movie on the computer as we laid in bed. Another great day in Costa Rica.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 5 Addendum

After reading the post for Day 5, it was clear that we forgot to mention that on our way down from Stevens' to the restaurant, we stopped by El Día Glorioso, a home for boys who have "graduated" from the Hogar Bíblico or are placed there by other institutions. Most of these guys (12-17 years old) have come from abusive or troubled homes. David Longworth is on the Board of the home, which has about 9 boys in residence right now. The ministry is led by a visionary and loving couple, Stanford and Ana, who live with the young men. We got to the home, not too far from Roblealto, just in time to celebrate David's 16th birthday. We stayed and talked for about a half hour, ding which Steve shared his testimony with the guys. It was quick but impactful!

Day 5 Pictures