Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Back to School!

As wonderful as it was to be traveling, meeting new people, seeing and learning new things, it is equally as wonderful to be home.  Our puppies were well and happy to see us, an no worse for the separation. 
As per usual, Steve hit the ground running this week as he is preparing for one of the two yearly Board Meetings. Next Wednesday, men and women from all over the U.S. and even some Latin countries will gather for the three day event.  Tomorrow he gives the MSO (Mission Support Office) the yearly "state of the Mission" address, (sounds so formal!) adding to so many firsts.
Every challenge is still fresh and new and he is taking them on with energy and enthusiasm.  I remember thinking to myself during one of our many meetings with missionaries in Costa Rica, just how perfectly matched he is to this position.  He could go from person to person, ministry to ministry,  relating to and immediately tracking with all that was being said and happening.  He thrives on the challenge as well as the relationships. He can quickly process where a ministry and a person is, and find ways to bring what ever is required to that situation.  I just sat back and watched.  I am so grateful to God for all He is doing.

One note of praise . . . last week Steve received word that the Tyndale Foundation has donated $50,000.00 to LAM to be used at the presidents discretion . . . That was amazing and wonderful news!  Not only is it a large and needed gift, but Steve can prayerfully seek out the most strategic ways for that money to be used.  While funds are incredibly tight right now for LAM, as they are just about everywhere, we are so grateful to the Lord for lifting our spirits and providing funds for purposeful ministry.

Dramatic change of subject, but . . . . .

Over the years I have had several thoughts of going back to school, but every time something else took priority.  One of our other children needing the funds for education for themselves,
one time it was an unexpected pregnancy, ( that would have been #3 for me!)  and so on. But I have been praying and thinking about finishing my degree and there seems to be no roadblocks at the moment.  So, over the last week I have researched over 200 schools and numerous degree programs and have landed on a BA degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from Upper Iowa State University.   They have a marvelous Online program that gives me the freedom to work from home and at my own pace.  If I am able to stick with it, my ultimate goal is to also take some theology and psychology classes, perhaps ending with an MA in Christian Counseling.  Kind of funny and strange to think that it may take me from now until I am 60 (ugh!) to reach this goal, but I could have at least 10 if not 15 years to put the education to use.  It certainly would keep me busy and focused!  Today I sent for my transcripts from ASU to be sent to UIU, and could be starting my first class in June . . . I think it will be fun to attend college while at least one of my kids is doing the same.  Of course Christa may have her doctorate before I even have my BA, but that only serves to motivate me.  I will keep you posted!

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