Saturday, May 16, 2009

Unexpected Reunions

Last night was a step back in time for Steve and I . . . . Steve is on a killer traveling schedule this summer trying to fit in visiting many of our missionaries and get to know their ministries, as well as initiating new vision and ministry.  I picked him up from the airport at 7 pm, as he was returning from a short trip to Costa Rica. Despite the lateness of the hour and being tired from his cross country trip, we rushed across town  and met in a prearranged REUNION  dinner for 8 with couples from Argentina, some of which  we had not seen in 18 years.  One of the couples, Jorge and Susanna Ibbarbalz, were part of the group of families that we vacationed with  for a month at the beach in Miramar. Part of the Argentine culture is that during the summer every family takes a month off either in January or February, going to a coastal city in the country or for some, traveling to Brazil or Spain.  Our family has some of the most amazing memories of this time as more than a half dozen families, for three or four consecutive years, would travel to Miramar, spend our days basking on the beach and our nights cooking asado's together, or eating at neighborhood restaurants .  All of our children ranged in age from babies to teenagers and the kids would hang out together sometimes according to age groups, or sometimes in a roving "pack". We played "paddle" (a cross between tennis and handball)  on courts just off the water, sat for hours talking on the beach or sipping mate in each others rented summer homes. Susanna reminded us of one of those summers, when the men decided to prepare a Valentine Day dinner for the women. (Remember, summers are during our winters here in the States!) So the men planned and put together a romantic and surprisingly delicious dinner. There was watermelon salad cut into the shape of hearts, Chicken Cordon Bleu, garlic mashed potatoes; beautifully decorated tables with  candles and  flowers. Steve obviously had a strong influence since that is not very Argentine in either menu or culture! But the women loved the attention and effort and the men thoroughly enjoyed the process and response. And 18 years later we are still talking about it! 
The week previous, Steve and I were in Arizona.
Steve went for ministry purposes, but while there so close to family and friends, he was able to fit in some quality time with both.  One of the highlights of that week was a REUNION with 3 of the kids that he ministered to as a Youth Pastor 30 years ago.  While they are now in their 40's, married with teenage children of their own, they took a morning and went to the lake to ski.  They reminisced about those 2 short, yet fun packed years together.  Much to Steve's surprise, one of them brought up how Steve had attended his basketball games and even once or twice, stayed late to a game and then accompany him up to camp, arriving late in the evening.  He commented to Steve how that had meant so much to him.  Steve didn't even remember doing it!  They talked about how fun and full those years were and how they were some of the best years of their life.  
 I went to Arizona to  support my Mom as her sweet sister, Katy was passing away.  It was a heart wrenching week as Mom, and Melody and Kelby, David and Debbie and their children, waited and prepared for her passing.  Before I arrived, Aunt Helen and Rebecca were there to say their goodbye's.  But while the time passed slowly as Katy was unconscious and labored in her breathing, the family would sit around her bedside, talking, praying, singing hymns, crying, and yes, at times even laughing as we reminisced about our life with Aunt Katy and Uncle Leon and each other.  Many times someone would talk about the REUNION in heaven that Katy and Leon would have and that Katy would have with her Jesus.  It brought comfort to all of us to visualize that, seeing her, seeing them, young, strong, healthy and in each others arms once again.  There was also a REUNION among ourselves as we have such busy lives and rarely get to see each other.  It was good to be reminded of our love for each other despite the little time that we actually spend together.  
I am so grateful for the UNEXPECTED REUNIONS that God has brought our way as of late.  Some were bittersweet, accompanied by tears while others were filled with laughter. But they were all based in RELATIONSHIP that absence and years could not deplete. Among all the feelings that I have experienced over the last couple of weeks, gratefulness to God for my family and friends is at the top. 

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