Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It certainly has been awhile since writing in the blog. I believe that daily input into FB and then my studies that began in Christmas, have significantly affected my blogging; Studies consist of my endeavor to become certified in Biblical Counseling with a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Counseling. This will most likely be a long haul as I take one class at a time. This, along with working full time in Member Care at the MSO, and my travels with Steve in Latin America and regular visits to family in Arizona, keep me busy.
One of the adjustments to Steve's position with LAM and our move to Miami, has been learning to live "solo" a goodly amount of time. Steve is traveling sometimes as much as he is home, so I can go anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks without him. Learning to live without my family close by, without all the normal support system of special friends, and being actively involved in church, I find that I have more alone time than ever before. How am I handling this, you might ask? Better than I would have anticipated. Truly this must be God's grace, as I thoroughly love spending time with those I love. Since our church, La Gran Commision, is spanish speaking, and being gone numerous weekends with travel, I have not gotten involved in ministry . . . . yet. But we are getting to know people and feeling more comfortable with being there, and I believe this will be the year of investing time and energy in our church "family". Steve has lead the way with a weekend of homiletical teaching to the leaders, and has even preached once. He is very close to the pastor, Nelson Guerra, as they are working together on a special minstry project that takes them to Honduras often. Nelson's wife, Lucy, is a wonderful lady, and in just a few conversations have found that we have much in common. We are similar age and station in life, both in ministry and family. I look forward to spending quality time with her.
Gordon has provided the most amazing gift to me by giving me his traveling privileges last year and this year. Knowing that I can go visit my family when needed is more comforting than I can even give words to. Surely a significant reason that I have adjusted as well to the changes I have encountered this last year.
Ever so often I have a moment that passes where I feel lonely in my frequent "sola" status. This weekend was one of those rare moments. I spent Easter alone. I don't say this for sympathy's sake, as I realize that God is teaching me things I could not learn any other way. So, with that clarification, let me say that being without Steve, children, grandchildren, parents, brothers, etc. was . . . well, I will just say it, hard. But even in the difficulty, there is peace; yes, even joy. Robby flew back from Honduras Saturday night as he accompanied Steve to a conference of about 3,000 church leaders from all over Latin America. Steve stayed through Tuesday as he had some more responsibilities to attend to. I picked Robby up from the airport about 8 pm and then turned around and took him back to the airport at 5 am the next morning. When I arrived home I decided to walk down the beach and see if there was a sunrise service happening. So, I set off in my shorts, flip flops, hair pulled back and no make up, walking down the beach. I did come across a service and was able to worship and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior with christians that I had never met before. It was a glorious time. The walk back on the beach gave me time to reflect. If you had asked me 10 years ago let's say, if I could be sane, let alone at peace, many miles away from my family and without the company of my husband much of the time, I would have said "impossible!". But I am learning to be content in all circumstances, and even finding the joy in them. God's faithfulness has been ever present in my life, and I can say without reservation, "God is Good, ALL THE TIME!"

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