Thursday, October 15, 2009


I am sitting in an Internet Cafe in Bethel, Maine. Steve and I took some time out of our hectic schedule to enjoy some very quiet, relaxing time in the cabin of some new friends. It was built in 1912; with one addition, it is relatively similar to the way it was when originally built. Although the temperature has not exceeded 41 degrees, we have used only the wood stove in the kitchen and the fireplace in the family room for heating. The house temp stays around 59 degrees in the most used areas of the house and we have become surprising accustomed to this. It really even feels warm to us . . . of course when it is 30 something degrees outside, that is not so surprising. There is no television (yeah!) and I am now on my 3rd book. Sitting around the fireplace at night, listening to Andre Bocceli, and reading our books , has been such a wonderful and re-invigerating experience. I think I just might call a television fast when we return to Miami! Of course, sitting around the fire in October in Miami is not exactly reasonable . . . When we left a week and a half ago, there were record setting temperatures. I think it was 93 degrees at the highest. That might have something to do with the cold I have right now!
Anyway, we have had a wonderful time in Massachusetts and now Maine. We stayed a few days in the home of Gene and Pat, some new friends, and Pat showed me some lovely areas of the countryside. Above is a picture of a general store that we visited as well as the quaint town of Concord.