Thursday, February 26, 2009

Spiritual Rhythm

Moving plays havoc in every area of  life . . . Even spiritually.  I have found that everyday I am organizing and re-establishing order in my new environment.  Seeking the spiritual rhythm that keeps me focused on the Lord and not my circumstances.; Looking for that "prayer closet", the best time of day and place to journal, read, meditate and pray.  I know I need that established before I can even begin ministry at LAM or get involved in a church.  This week, with Steve being away,  my alone time has been focused in that direction.  I am feeling much more centered and ready to take that next step . . . . whatever that should be.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It has been 2 months since I last blogged and I have even had to create a new blog as I was unable to get into the old one . . . but, I am back and hope to keep this one up to date. The reason for the silence is that during the last 2 months Steve and I have packed up our belongings in a 26 foot truck, and moved from Monterey, California  to Miami, Florida.  Upon arrival, we lived in a hotel for one month, and participated in Orientation for Latin America Missions.  We house hunted and decided to completely change our lifestyle and moved into a condo on the 34th floor.  If you ever watch CSI Miami, you can recognize our building on the beach as the one that is white and has a "crown" on the top of it.  I will get pictures into the blog as soon as possible.  We have now been in our home for over a week and I am really enjoying our balcony that looks out over the ocean and the city of Miami . . .a portion of Miami, anyway!.  We only have one bedroom as we have downsized with all our kids grown and living in Phoenix or Nashville.  Our puppies keep us great company when we are home and we find that we are walking everywhere.  We watch the sunrise over the ocean every morning as we walk Duchess and Barkley.  Every trip out, and there are at least 4 a day with the dogs, we take an elevator, and walk out our building and around another building, through a park where we can walk the boardwalk or go directly out to the beach.  Restaurants, groceries, all are within walking distance.  We live in North Beach and our church is in South Beach, about 10 - 15 minutes away.  The LAM office is near the airport and takes about 20 minutes to reach.  Traffic can be a bear during certain times of the day, so patience is required during rush hour, morning and late afternoon.  But when you reach the Causeway, and the water appears,  the cares of the day begin to melt away.
It really does feel like vacation living where we do.  Steve and I eat out several times a week as it is just the 2 of us and we are enjoying getting to know the culture of Miami through it's food. There is a plethera of amazing restaurants and any kind of cultural experience that you desire can be found here. 

Steve is in New Haven, Conn. this week, on the Yale campus, attending a Donor Conference.  This is his first trip and the beginning of many more to come.  The end of March, Steve and I will be traveling to Costa Rica to visit our missionaries there.  It is one of the largest fields, so we will be there one day short of 2 weeks, as we will visit the homes and ministries of every family.  May, we will be in Mexico, in June, Steve will be in Columbia and in July, he and I will be in Columbia together.  I  believe that visiting the fields and missionaries  will be the highlight of ministry.  

So much more to write, but will catch you up over the next few weeks.